Course Syllabus

Chichén Itzá 


Spanish Syllabus


Sra Deb DeAlba ~

Office Hours Tues 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm


¡Bienvenidos a español 1! I am so excited to have you in my class as we begin to learn the intricacies of a new language, culture and way of thinking. This class will be fun, challenging, rewarding and very relevant for every day communication in our diverse community.


Homework (10%): Consists of any worksheets or take home projects. These are assigned weekly and I typically give some time in class. Examples include: video worksheets, review sheets for exams and practice worksheets. There is a 10% penalty for late assignments.

Projects (10%): There are 2 large unit projects per semester as well as a few small cultural projects. Grades will be based on individual effort.

Tests & Quizzes (15%): There are 2-3 unit tests and unit quizzes per semester. There is no penalty for late or makeup exams. Quizzes are open note. I allow test corrections for half credit. The answer must be corrected and explained.

Verbal practice (20%): Graded once bi-weekly. Increased by intelligent participation in class discussion, paired discussion, seminar, and on-task behavior. Decreased by a lack of relevant participation and off-task behavior.

District Assessments (20%): District exams are designed to measure student mastery of content knowledge and skills. The exams are graded on a curve.

Classwork (20%): There are 4 things in this category: 1) DOLs, 2) Notebook checks and 3)Online exercises and 4)Extra credit. There will be a daily DOL (demonstration of learning) during the last 10 minutes of class. We turn in our DOL sheet on Fridays. I grade these mostly on effort. Notebook checks occur monthly. I also give 4 pts of extra credit for each Spanish skill completed on Just create an account, click on settings, click progress sharing and enter our classroom code: WZJGDZ


Work hard. Be nice.

Required Supplies: Binder, paper, pencil, highlighter, charged laptop, flashcards(optional)                                       

Course Summary:

Date Details Due